A partitive numeral is a nominal numeral resulting from a division, and containing the numerator and the denominator as constituents.
Fraction ↓ and percentage numerals ↓ are classified as partitive numerals in Persian.
a. Fraction Numerals
A fraction numeral is the general form of the partitive numeral, and in Persian it has the following patterns:
- The suffix /-om/ is attached to the denominator, and the generated affixal formation constructs a determinative composition with the numerator: /jek-pænʤom/ یکپنجم, /do-sizdæhom/ دوسیزدهم
- In archaic idioms, the numerator builds a determinative composition with the denominator: /ʧɒr-jek/ چاریک
هزاریک /hezɒr-jæk/ زآن که او یافت از عطایِ مُلوک
به من دهی، سخن آید: «هزار چندانم!»
Moammari (9th Century AD)
b. Percentage Numerals
Percentage numerals refer to division results having 100 or 1000 as a denominator. They have the following patterns:
- [NP[NPcounting numeral] [PP[Ppreposition /dær/] [NPcardinal numeral /sæd/ 100]]]
- [NP[NPcounting numeral] [PP[Ppreposition /dær/] [NPcardinal numeral /hezɒr/ 1000]]]
دوازده در سد /dævɒzdæh dær sæd/
سی در هزار /si dær hezɒr/
c. Application of Partitive Numerals
- Partitive numerals can be nuclei of partitive genitive phrases and occur together with modifiers, which are in the plural or are otherwise divisible (see 10•۴•d•a. and 10•۴•d•b.):
خشکسالی یکسوم کشور /jek-sevvom-e keʃvær/ را فرا گرفته.
بیست در سدِ ایرانیان /bist dær sæd-e irɒniɒn/ با ما همدلند.
یکپنجم کتابها /jek-pænʤom-e ketɒbhɒ/
دوسوم زمین /do-sevvom-e zæmin/
۳۰ %ِ کارمندان /si dær sæd-e kɒrmændɒn/
۶۰ %ِ آفریقا /ʃæst dær sæd-e ɒfriɣɒ/
- Partitive numerals can be used in Persian as multiplicative numerals:
وزنِ او یکسوم برادرشست.
جمعیّتِ این کشور هفتاد و چهارسدمِ کشورِ همسایهست.
ما به انـدازهیِ چهل در سدِ شما حقوق میگیریم.