Proportional numerals are nominal numerals involving arithmetic ratios. They are generated in the following ways:
- To compare the absolute values of two counting numerals, the second numeral can attribute the first. In this case, the attribute appears as a locative adverbial (in the form of an adpositional phrase with the preposition /bæ/, /bær/ or /æbær/):
نتیجهیِ چهار به یک /ʧæhɒr bæ jek/
نتیجهیِ چهار بر سه /ʧæhɒr bær se/
- To compare two parts of a whole value, the proportional numeral is generated by copulative composition with the interfix /-ɒ-/:
نصفانصف /nesf/ + /-ɒ-/ + /nesf/ → /nesf-ɒ-nesf/
نه راستیّ و درستی هر آن مَثَل که زدند
اگر نه جملـه دروغست، هست نیمانیم /nim-ɒ-nim/
Suzani Samarqandi (12th Century AD)